Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The mission statement of ESC is to provide our clients with the highest quality of information technology (IT) professionals with technical excellence in programming, analysis, design, development and management. Our consulting services are affordable, professional, and successful.

Contract to Hire Balancing the need to hire immediately with the need to hire the right resources can be a difficult proposition. When there is an overwhelming need to hire a full time employee, but not the time available to do so, contract-to-hire may suit your circumstances. This increasingly popular option allows you to hire staff quickly, without the normal processes associated with hiring a full time employee. This option provides you the expertise you need in the short term while allowing you the freedom to evaluate the person's suitability over a number of months. Should you choose to convert the contractor to a full time employee, you will receive a discount on the full time placement fee based on the number of days already worked by the contractor. When you need our services, we will provide a shortlist of well suited candidates that fit your technical requirements, your budget, and your culture. From there we will help manage the interview and engagement process. We guarantee the performance of anyone we represent.

Contracting and Consulting Services When you need a highly specialized skill set for an assignment measured in weeks or months, the most cost effective solution can be taking on contractors. Our rapid deployment capabilities allow you the flexibility to staff projects as immediate needs arise. We understand that you require contractors on board as soon as possible, which is why we have already taken the time to pre-screen and pre-qualify candidates. Once we understand your needs, we will provide a shortlist of well suited potential contractors that fit your technical requirements, your budget, and your culture. From there we will help manage the interview and engagement process. We guarantee the performance of anyone we represent. Partnerships are crucial for efficient contract staffing. Our goal is to build relationships with key stakeholders to learn how we can contribute to your company's success. This in turn enables us to respond quickly with the right resources as contracting needs arise. When you are not actively hiring, our role in the contracting partnership is to constantly evaluate talent so that suitable technology professionals will be available when you need them.

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